Monday, February 22, 2010

Pre-Conference Seminars for CAS Deployers

The Jasig Spring 2010 Conference is approaching! Luckily, if you haven't registered yet, there's still time to register. Heck, there's even still time to register for the pre-conference seminars. Because its often harder to tell if the pre-conference seminars are right for you, this blog entry focuses solely on the available pre-conference seminars relevant to CAS deployers

User Interface Development with jQuery and Cooking with Fluid Infusion

If you're deploying CAS, its going to be on the top-viewed web applications you've got. It looks pretty right? Not quite? Jazz it up a little bit with some jQuery and Fluid Infusion. The Fluid Project team members are experts in UI, usability and jQuery!

Implementing CAS

Adam Rybicki, a CAS expert, is giving a seminar on implementing CAS. Its perfect for those who are looking to figure out how to use the advanced CAS features and find our manual just a bit lacking in the details they need to really grasp it. New to CAS, Java, and Maven2? Adam can help you sort it out much faster and more easily than stumbling about on your own. Topics covered include the basics, clustering, and single sign out as well as configuring CAS clients.

Laying the Foundation for Your IdM Re-Architecture!

Got CAS successfully deployed? Great! What's next? This is the point where you realize there are a ton of identity management related problems that you need to solve. Where to start? What to do? Experts in IdM can provide you with some guidance and walk you through some of their own issues and problems and how they solved them (or are working on solving them). Its much easier to build on what people have already done than to re-implement the wheel.

In addition to these great seminars, there's a bunch of other CAS related content including CAS roadmap, modifying the CAS web flow, clustering CAS, and more! Register today!

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