Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sharing at the Conference

I bet there is something you really want to talk about with others at the Jasig Spring Conference. Maybe you just rolled out a new portal? Developed a cool web application or portlet? Use CAS in an innovative way? Found a new development tool? Are looking for advice on solving a tricky development problem? There are multiple ways to get the word out and it isn't too late to sign up.

Present a Poster/Demo
Monday evening there will be a poster session and reception. We will provide tables and poster board to anyone that wants to present. You can feel free to use your laptop for demos. Attendees will be able to grab some refreshments and peruse the informal posters. You can sign up by following the instructions on the wiki to present any time prior to the conference as long as we still have space.

Give a Lightning Talk

On Tuesday morning at 10:15 one of the presentation rooms will be devoted to lightning talks. As the name implies, these are quick (less than 10 minutes) talks with or without slides on a topic of your choice. These are great ways to quickly introduce something you are interested in and suggest that people follow up with you later. Quick demos would also be applicable. If you have not presented before, giving a lightning talk is a great way to get started. For more information or to sign up, see the wiki.

Attend the Bar Camp
The BarCamp on Wednesday afternoon will be another venue to share information. This is an informal meeting where the agenda is determined by the interests of those attending. This is a great setting to have discussions with other interested parties sharing your interests. For more information, see the BarCamp wiki page.

So it's not too late to sign up to share something with your colleagues! The couple hours you will be spending on the plane can be put to good use writing up a few slides to share or creating pages for a poster. These less-formal venues are a great way to network and collaborate at the conference.

See you in San Diego!

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